WebJunction’s library-specific courses are now available for free to all library workers and volunteers across the nation. http://learn.webjunction.org
Beating the Odds: Building a Publishing “Maker” Culture
This article reflects on changes in the publishing world and how libraries can play a stronger role in the promotion of books and authors: http://www.americanlibrariesmagazine.org/article/beating-odds-building-publishing-maker-culture
Through the Google Glass, Dimly
An insightful article on public libraries and adaptability to an ever changing future: http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/28a54223#/28a54223/26
A New Way of Looking at Public Library Engagement in America
Interesting article on how libraries are perceived and valued: http://www.americanlibrariesmagazine.org/article/new-way-looking-public-library-engagement-america
Advocacy: What it is and Isn’t
Library Advocacy Unshushed, Week 1, Lesson 4 Posted with permission from Wendy Newman and the University of Toronto